Sometimes I try to differentiate the “good guys” from the “bad guys” in order to make a point.
But the truth is that the belief of “me vs. them” is a path of pain.
“Me vs. them” thinking breeds mistrust, paranoia, and blame.
The thing about humanity is that at the core, we are all human and even though we are all working in different programs, we are still running the same operating system.
This means there are threads of commonalities between all of us.
What exists in someone else always exists in you.
The very hard and seemingly impossible part is finding the humility to see the sameness within yourself as with someone who has wronged you.
Finding this place in yourself is so important… not so that you can put your faith in the wrong people, but so that you aren’t living with any hate, blame or revenge inside of you.
Looking for the sameness within yourself as others brings a deeper understanding to the situation, but also illuminates where you could have made better choices in the past or prepares you for better choices in the future.
It is equally as important to find the sameness within yourself as with people you idolize.
It can be just as hard to see the greatness within yourself (or the faults of) an idol or someone you have placed on a pedestal. But it is so necessary, not so that you can think less of someone else’s gifts, but so that you don’t live in a state of unworthiness, and undeserving.
We all struggle with our ego, feeling separate, and the constant labels, stories and assumptions the endless chatter in our mind conjures up.
We all want to be seen, heard, appreciated and important to someone.
At the deepest level we all need and crave love and connection… and at that same visceral level we all fear not having it.
It is so easy to point the finger at others and call them “all bad” or “all good”.
But if you use what you see in others to understand yourself better, you will also understand others better.
The more you understand the operating system, the less you are bound by the fear of another.
There is huge freedom in that.