One of the most amazing super powers humans have is the ability to adapt to our surroundings. It doesn’t take us long before whatever was hard becomes easy, whatever was bad becomes bearable.

I am always amazed at my body when I focus on being more active. It takes a couple of weeks and I feel stronger and improve my mobility and flexibility. This is true at any age, don’t let them tell you different.

The problem with our super adaptive powers is that we also adapt to things that aren’t healthy for us. If you never move your body, it begins to seize up because it has adapted to not moving.

I am all about showing up for life, having new experiences, and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. These are the ways we experience huge growth in life and times of growth almost always make for a good story.

But we must also be mindful about where we are not showing up, because we will adapt to that too. If we aren’t careful we normalize something that we never wanted simply because we have adapted to it. That can be a slippery slope.

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