What are they saying about you?

by jodi // June 20

What other people say about you is not about you, it’s about them.

If they think your talented, handsome, intelligent, or cute it’s either they recognize those things in you because they can see it in themselves.

If they think that you are bad things, it’s most often because they haven’t admitted to themselves how they are exactly what they are accusing you of being (this one sucks when you catch yourself accusing others).

And because what other people say about you is not about you, the only validation you need is from yourself.

Getting your self worth caught up in looking for approval outside of yourself from others is pointless because it only tells you about them.

Being caught up in other people’s disapproval of you isn’t helpful either, because it’s also not about you.

All you can do is keep focussed on your work. What matters to you? What can you do about it? How can you do better?

P.S. Oprah is incredible.

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