There was a time I would be so understanding that I would drop my side of the argument altogether once the other side started explaining.

Looking back it’s because I was probably arguing about things that didn’t matter. I didn’t have a firm understanding of people or life and how they intertwined.

The easiest way to stop arguing is to stop trying to control everything.

Be flexible with your agenda. It’s not helpful to force it on to someone else. Learning to take responsibility for your life and allow them the reins to be responsible for theirs stops a lot of arguments.

Allow everyone to have their own opinions, and be curious about what they think. It’s interesting to learn from everyone’s experiences, but you can’t do that if you can’t accept their opinions.

Encourage others to take the path that leads to their greatest good. That’s not always happiness in the moment, sometimes we need to help others see that they can do hard things.

Stay unattached to outcomes. Understand that there is a divine order and purpose to everything. You are not in charge (that’s an illusion), you are just facilitating your life. The more open you stay to an outcome that’s not in your control, the more magic the outcome has.

All of a sudden, the only things left to argue about aren’t hostile or angry. You might begin to stand up for what matters, but when you aren’t attached to the outcome there isn’t anything to be angry over. Your energy shifts and you become passionate instead of angry.

The understanding you acquire is that other people might need to be taught new skills, or they might need help seeing things differently, or maybe they just don’t understand the way they are causing pain to others. You find a way to help instead of push.

When you lead by example, choose love instead of resistance, and use empathy at all times, the dynamics of all of your relationships will change for the better.

Understanding is loves other name”. – Thich Nhat Hahn

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