I have learned over the years that I do best with a certain level of security. When all of my physical needs are met and I’m not feeling threatened in any way then I am my most creative, ambitious, best self.

Because of this I don’t take a lot of financial risk. I do not feel secure when I can’t pay my bills, and therefore I’m not able to be my best self if I overdo it.

Learning more about financial risk is something that’s been on my list for a while, but yesterday, by accident, I started to see risk in a new light.

I was listening to Theresa Reed talk about risk. Up until this point, I only associated risk with money. But she said we all take risks everyday.

As I started to think about this I realized several different ways that we take risks.

When we open our hearts we take a risk.

When we tell a lie, or sometimes when we tell the truth, we take a risk.

When we procrastinate we take a risk.

When we drive we take a risk.

When we leave our children with a babysitter we take a risk.

When we get on a horse we take a risk.

Every single thing we do involves an element of risk. And we really are risking something every day.

When you start to look at risk in this light, you will see that there are areas where you are more inclined to take bigger risks, and others not so much.

If you look at the areas where you are comfortable taking a bigger risk, you can apply the framework from it to an area where you are less inclined to take a risk.

It’s worth taking the time to determine if you are more comfortable taking a risk emotionally, physically, mentally or financially.

Then take a moment to ask yourself why.

I think you can learn a little something about yourself here. I certainly did.

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