What We Focus On Expands

I’m learning that I don’t always have to keep track of all of the things. I don’t need to control every thing in every second.

I’m learning that paying attention to all of the details all of the time exhausts me and weighs me down.

If I’m working on one thing, I take a moment and trust that everything else is being looked after for me, so that it can be placed on the shelf for just a little while, allowing the flow of life to work it’s magic.

When we trust that the universe has our back and that it is always working in our favour, we are looking for what’s right for us, and that’s where our focus lies. What we focus on expands,

Thinking in any other way makes us paranoid and afraid, and then we don’t make good decisions.

Every once in a while it’s good to turn it over to powers that are greater than us.

And usually things come together better than we could have ever planned on our own.

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