Where Does Fear Come From?

I asked my daughter where fear comes from this morning and she said it’s the feeling comes from our flight or flight response. So I asked her what triggers that, and she told me that it’s something we think is a threat because it’s something we don’t know.

She’s so smart.

What boggles my mind is that we can feel threatened by so many things that aren’t actually a threat to our lives. Apparently this part of our evolution hasn’t kept up very well.

Our ancestors saw a threat when they saw a Sabre tooth tiger.

We feel the same kind of threat when we are public speaking, or feeling vulnerable, or get stopped by a police car.

We fear what we don’t know… so what is the best way to be brave in the 21st century?

Get out of your comfort zone, try new things, and show up for life with your whole self.

Do things that scare you because maybe the fear is a sign that it’s something you just don’t know enough about.

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