Last year for April first I played a fun April’s fools trick on my readers. We all had a pretty good laugh. (You can revisit it here if you want).
I am not going to lie, I wish March was a giant April fools joke.
I am not afraid of sickness, in fact I believe it makes us stronger. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t enjoy being sick… I’m a terrible stick person.
But every natural recovery builds a stronger immune system.
A stronger immune system means a faster recovery every time.
Stronger is always better.
Our society as a whole has been warned about obesity, and the rise of diabetes, and heart disease. We have been warned about our poor health.
And we haven’t listened.
We eat too much processed foods, we get too little exercise, and we live far away from our roots and the land.
The joke is on us this year.
We all know that what we focus on expands, so it makes me wonder why we are texting for sickness, reporting infections, and counting the deaths.
If everyone had been focusing on wellness before now their immune systems would be strong and things would be different.
We can’t change the past, but we can start right now to improve the moment we are in.
If we are seeking health and wellness, that is what we need to focus on.
Could we be testing for health and wildly reporting those numbers instead?
Who do we talk to about this?
I think it would make all of the difference.
The question is, would anyone listen?