It’s so hard to accept someone for who they are because we are so jaded by who we want them to be.

I used to invest energy into people who had potential. People who appeared smart, charismatic and quick witted.

I thought these traits reeked of potential for someone to become really great.

As I’ve grown up I’ve learned that potential doesn’t mean anything special. We all have boatloads of it… we are human and all humans are capable of greatness.

Every single person has potential to become really great.

Even you. And me.

It’s much more helpful to see who the person is and if you want to align with them.

Are they a go-getter?

Do they raise their hand and take responsibility or shirk it and blame others?

Are they creative and working in the moment? Or are they stuck in the past?

Do they walk their talk, or simply talk and dictate?

Can they solve problems or do they undermine the cause?

Are they generous with their resources, or do they withhold?

Are they thoughtful with their words and actions, or do they speak without thinking?

Do they care?

These things are what separate the good from the great.

Potential means you are human.

Someone who is trying to use that potential, and express it, and make something of it… those are the people you want to align with and invest in.

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