Blame is unproductive and useless. When you blame others you forfeit all responsibility and you give up your opportunity for growth. You reject the lesson that’s meant for you, and you will cause resentment in your relationships.
Blaming someone else will never get you where you want to go.
But neither will taking all of the responsibility.
You can only be responsible for your actions, your choices, and your reactions. You can not be responsible for someone else’s. It doesn’t work.
This took me a lot of years to figure out.
Taking responsibility for things you have no control over isn’t helpful for anyone. It breeds immature behaviour, irresponsibility, an environment for blame, and it handicaps the team.
Everyone wants to feel valued, seen, and like they are contributing… but at the same time people become lazy and unmotivated when they don’t feel like they have an important role.
When you carry all of the responsibility, you are letting others off the hook and stunting growth and movement.
When all people involved feel valued and take ownership of their role things can move forward quickly. This is fun and is a healthy environment for future growth.