We think we are a safe person for others.

Inside we know how we truly feel. We care, we want to help, and we are good people who don’t intend to hurt others.

On the outside we resist showing what’s happening on the inside. As Brene Brown says, we ‘armour up”, and the world sees our mask or a brave face… especially when conditions aren’t absolutely perfect.

We are conditioned to fight for ourselves, fight for what’s right, fight for what (or who) we want, and fight for our health when we diagnosed with an illness.

When we fight, we ‘armour up’.

It’s very hard to see through someone’s armour, it’s scary and it doesn’t feel safe to be around.

It doesn’t matter how you feel on the inside if you aren’t going to let the world see it.

We can stand up for ourselves, and stand up for what’s right… but we need to stop fighting.

We need to open our hearts and show the world who we truly are, speak from our hearts, and hold space for others to do the same.

We are all on a journey, and mine is different from yours.

The journey is beautiful, especially if you allow yourself to be seen.

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