We are not designed to be satisfied for long.
We are hard wired for progress.
The easiest way to move forward is one step at a time, but sometimes we wait until we are so dissatisfied with the way things are, we make massive changes that are hard to sustain over the long term.
I am so guilty of this.
If I want to eat healthier, I change my diet erratically.
If I want to learn something I dive in and consume myself with it.
If I want to become more fit, I exercise until I’m so exhausted I get sick.
I would roller coaster on and off these extremes.
Committing to something for a while and then ignoring it again while my focus would shift to another area.
But I am learning to keep a part of it with me.
I don’t have to stay on the extreme diet forever, but I will choose one thing to elimate. A long time ago it was pop, then white bread. One time I just started drinking way more water.
When I immerse myself in learning about a subject, I don’t expect myself to keep all of the information, but I pick a couple of things to incorporate into my life.
This can be applied to any area if you set your mind to it.
Accept that you won’t ever be satisfied, you won’t ever get there and be done.
Then search for small ways to continuously progress and move forward can make all of the difference.
I always have to go back and remind myself, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
And the tortoise won the race.