You just need to feel it

by jodi // July 9

When we don’t know where we are heading we overthink, over analyze, and over react to what’s happening around us.

The alternative is to have a vision of where we are heading.

You don’t need the map, and you don’t even need a picture.

But you do need to know how it feels.

How does it feel to be surrounded by the people you would like to be surrounded by?

How does it feel to stand in the places you want to stand?

How do you feel doing what you want to do?

How do you feel when you are being seen?

Spend some time in those feelings every day, clarifying them, and ultimately clarifying the vision of where you’re heading.

You will be amazed at how this simple daily act will change your entire life.

(Joe Dispenza has a morning and evening meditation to help guide you. Check it out in Apple Music here)

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