Your interpretation might not be right

by jodi // May 7

Our thoughts are stories we tell and usually believe.

But we should not believe them.

They are usually just cycling through things we have heard. Insults, compliments, opinions, facts, resistance, hope, and fear are consistently swirling around.

All of those thoughts are a result of what our 5 senses are telling us, and our 5 senses use past experience to come up with answers.

Our 5 senses are how we interpret the world.

If you smell something you recognize it’s because you’ve smelled it before.

If you see something you recognize, it’s because you’ve seen it before.

If you taste something you recognize it’s because you’ve tasted it before.

If you hear a sound you recognize, it’s because you’ve heard it before.

And when we recognize something we stop being curious, and don’t consider the possibility of it being something else. We assume we already know, and usually we are right.

But when things in life are happening in a way we recognize because we are using our 5 senses to interpret it, we get stuck in a rut.

Usually our life doesn’t change because we aren’t allowing it to change.

Since we have never lived through a pandemic before our 5 senses don’t know what to do.

Although it’s scary to be filled with so much uncertainty, it’s a blessing.

We are in a better position to let life unfold when we don’t assume we already know what’s happening.

It seems scarier, but there is so much more opportunity.

Don’t let fear make your decisions for you right now, you’ll be missing out if you do.

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