Life isn’t always hard, but there are times that it feels really hard. There are times you win, and times you lose.

In the grand scheme of life, neither a win or a loss matter. But in the moment they do.

You want to find a win.

When we are completely honest with ourselves we begin to notice the struggles of being a human, and of the limitations that come with being human.

We might feel like we need to be more, do more, give more, and offer more.

We could feel like we aren’t worthy of “having it all”.

We might feel like we aren’t significant and that our voice do don’t matter.

We might think we aren’t capable or competent.

The little voice pops up every once in a while that makes us doubt ourselves and our abilities.

In order to carry forward in spite of the mind games that pop up, it helps to put yourself in a position to win.

Small wins over time lead to the big wins and they are the stepping stones.

They give you momentum, keep you moving forward, and most importantly, small wins make you feel like you are capable and that you can do the thing.

Always set yourself up to win, and feel good about it when you do.

But one piece of warning… don’t lose your humility because you’ve won.

Don’t get carried away and start believing that you’re “there”, because in all honesty…. you never get there. As soon as you think you’re there, you will be humbled.

Stay humble.

Be a student.

Continue to learn.

Wins are about building your confidence, not your trophy chest. Stack them up, but understand that they are momentary.

We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”
― Ernest Hemingway

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