Are You Building A Legacy?

I watched a video of Oprah giving a commencement speech a little while ago, and it was one of those impactful moments where her words have never left me.

The words she was sharing were Maya Angelous to her, and Maya said, “Your legacy is every life you touch.   Your legacy is every life you touch.

As these words have been ringing in my heart for the last several weeks or months they have changed me.

At first I remember thinking, “I wonder how many lives I’ve touched?”  

And while I know there were some, I also know I could do better.

I can do better with my friends, connecting more frequently, supporting and encouraging them with their dreams, validating who they are, and listening to their struggle.

I can do better with my immediate and extended family, spending more time and telling them I love them.

I can do better with my coworkers, taking time to help where I can and encourage where I can.

I can do better in my quick interactions with people, waving at the construction crew, chatting with the grocery clerk, and complimenting quick service.

I can do better with strangers, smiling and saying hi, being curious about who they are and what they are doing.

When thinking about your legacy, and the lives you’ve touched… can there ever be enough?

You can always be more generous with your time and attention.

You can always contribute more to society.

You can always show a little more love to anyone.

You can always focus on the greater good for everyone.

And why wouldn’t you?   

What have you got to lose?

What are you doing for your legacy?

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