Are You Eating Beans or Counting Them?

We live in a first world country… but sometimes we forget. 

As Seth Godin pointed out, you can buy a can of beans for $0.75… if you are buying anything more than that, you are no longer price shopping.

Which means, you have choices.

Which also means you are living in abundance.

Nobody reading this is only eating beans.  So why then, do we sometimes fall into scarcity?

How can our glasses ever look half empty?

The good news is, scarcity is simply a mind set from the story you’re telling yourself.

It’s focusing on not enough money, not enough time, not enough resources, support or love.

If it shows up in one place, it’s going to infiltrate other areas of your life too.

Maybe it comes from comparing yourself to others, possibly it comes from comparing yourself to where you think you should be….always it’s rooted in fear.

I googled the antidote to fear and it came up with answers such as faith, presence, and action.

Faith means knowing it’s going to be ok and that the universe has your back.

Presence means to stay in the moment and check in with yourself to make sure you are ok (are there any sabre tooth tigers chasing you?)

Action might mean rebudgeting your finances, or your time, or your attitude.

The biggest cure for a scarcity mindset is constant appreciation of everything you already have.

Appreciating the abundance around you… it’s not hard to find.
It’s all in the story you sell yourself.

So tell yourself the truth, you are blessed to be living in these times.

And know that if it gets really bad, you can survive on 3 cans of beans per day (which is only $825 per year)… and even then you can still choose what kind and flavour.
PS.  I am building a course to teach big hearted people how to become whole hearted and fulfilled.  Sign up below to join my private email list and I will drop you a line when there are more details.  

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