Oprah says after listening to thousands of different people on her show that what she discovered was that at the very deepest level every one of us wants to be seen and wants to be heard.

That’s it.

When you truly see someone, when you see what matters to them, when you see how hard they are trying, when you see what’s special and unique, when you see what they are trying to accomplish… you build a bond. You build trust, and you create a connection.

When someone feels seen, they quit fighting, their guard goes down, and the resistance fades.

Anger will soften. Fear will subside. And the ego will start to crumble.

But before you can see someone else. You need to see yourself. You need to understand the deepest part of yourself. What makes you tick, what breaks your heart, what do you want, what scares you, and what matters the most.

The more you can see in yourself, the more you will recognize in others.

The more we see each other, the further we will go.

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