Caring Enough to Have an Opinion

When you lose your opinion it’s a sign.

You might think you are being non confrontational and easy to get along with, and it’s probably true that you are… but it’s important to have an opinion.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want you to be like Aunt Matilda and so attached to your opinion that it causes fights at the dinner table.

I don’t want your opinions to stress you out and cause you grief because you argue with anyone who opposes it.

I just want you to decide who you are and what you stand for and how you feel about certain things.

And that involves having opinions.

Not having an opinion is a sign that you have shut down. You have been beaten down either mentally or emotionally. It’s extremely unhealthy and causes all sorts of resentment.

This is not the way to make friends. This is the way to losing yourself.

One of the very first podcasts I ever listened to told me to “have strong opinions loosely held.” I wish I could remember who said it, because it’s brilliant and it’s exactly what we need to do.

No end of world attachments. Just opinions.

And your opinion matters, if to no one else it matters to you, and to the little voice inside of you that cares.

PS. If you are on my list I sent you an email this morning. I would love to hear your opinion on it. If you would like, you can sign up to receive it at the top of this page.

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