I had no idea about energy or vibration. I didn’t know what made us tick or how things worked.

I spent a lot of time thinking about what I didn’t like in my life. I didn’t like where we lived, I didn’t like that I didn’t have a vehicle of my own, I didn’t like cleaning or doing laundry, and I didn’t like being broke all of the time.

I felt lonely, drained, invalidated, and usually like a doormat. I was one of the moms who got together on play dates with the kids and then sat around and complained about my husband and how he didn’t help, wasn’t around, and I was all on my own.

Mom invited me to take a horse clinic with her, and I went. It had been a few years since I had done any riding to speak of because I had babies and no vehicle to get to the barn.

That clinic was a turning point in my life journey. I remember thinking at the time that he was teaching me things I already knew, but didn’t know I knew and didn’t have the vocabulary for.

He taught us “horse whispering”, which is amazing in itself, but I learned so much more than that.

I learned how to feel my personal space and energy bubble. This was huge for me because once I learned that then I was able to determine where my energy center was. It was supposed to be in the middle of my bubble and in the middle of me, but it wasn’t.

I was “hanging” my energy center outside of myself which made me feel unprotected and vulnerable in all of the wrong ways. I was literally giving my energy away to other people and had no idea because I wasn’t consciously aware of it.

Learning how to control my energy bubble and being aware of my personal space started to bring clarity to what was energetically mine, and what wasn’t mine. In that bubble I learned how to feel centered and grounded, and that changed everything for me.

When you are centered and grounded you are in alignment with your higher self and stand in your own power, and the longer you live in your own power, the better life gets.

You can decide what is best for you and what isn’t. You can make choices confidently to reflect those decisions. You stop focusing on what doesn’t work in your life, and begin to focus on what does.

You can reach out to others because you are full inside. You understand that everything is happening as it should. You easily allow others to be on their journey because you are on yours.

You find balance in life. You stop looking for outside resources to fulfill you, and stop feeling empty and unfulfilled and begin to feel full on the inside

You can give love because you have infinite love to give. The more love you give, the more love you receive and you become a self propelled love machine.

All of this comes as a result of first knowing your own energy and that it exists.

I still lose my personal power occasionally. I still feel uncentered, unprotected, and unbalanced at times. I just spent a few days giving it all away again. We all do it sometimes. But now within a few days I can figure out what’s happening and I course correct quickly because I know how.

I teach you how to feel your energy bubble in my self awareness class because it’s such an important foundation exercise. It’s the beginning and the end and so much in between.

My self awareness class is designed with the intention to give you the tools to help you become stronger, more clear and self assured in your life.

I share what I learned that helped my journey towards responding to life and living in my own power, instead of reacting to everyone and everything around me. It will help you too.

This journey takes time to unfold, the learning is simple, but deep.

When you don’t know what you know, you can’t make the conscious choice to use it. That’s where I was stuck. I knew what I didn’t want but had no idea how to get what I did want. I was walking around half numb and half a ticking time bomb.

Everything has changed now that I learned how to be a horse whisperer.

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