I talk a lot about the way things get interesting when you come to the end of yourself and you don’t know what to do next.

When I came across these words from a John Holt yesterday they caught my attention:

The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how do we behave when we don’t know what to do.”

Oprah’s advice is to do nothing when you don’t know what to do. To become very still and connect with what it is you want.

Eckhart Tolle expands on that, “when you connect with stillness, you also connect with a creative intelligence that is higher than analytical thinking. Very often, the right decision then arises spontaneously. It may not happen immediately. It may take your going back to your normal life, but this time period gives your intuition the room and silence it needs to surface.

It’s great advice because even though it feels impossible to move forward, there is always a way.

The end of yourself is not the end of the path.

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