It’s not my mountain.

by jodi // June 16

We each have our own mountain to live on.

Your mountain is all about you. It is made up of your truth, your values, and your beliefs. It’s where we stand and it’s all of the things we stand for. It’s the things that are important to you.

When we are on our mountain we are in our power and our light shines brightly.

Relationships make this hard because you share a common goal, and they easily get into trouble when our mountains are not clear. You cannot live on someone else’s mountain, and you cannot force someone to live on yours.

What is important to you, isn’t the same for someone else.

I used to live on other people’s mountain all of the time. That was what I thought love was. I saw it as helping and supporting. But it wasn’t helping at all.

But you can’t push your values and priorities onto someone else. At best it pushes them away and causes resentment, at worst you become completely enmeshed and codependent and it creates all sorts of unhealthy patterns.

A greater form of love is to respect and allow the other person space to be on their journey. When they ask for help or guidance, you teach or share what you’ve learned on your mountain.

You help where you can, but you always stay on your mountain, living your truth and what is important to you.

When you remain clear about your mountain you can lead, when you aren’t clear you become lost in your quest.

By staying on my mountain I remain in my power. I keep climbing my mountain and clearing my path. It’s given the people around me space to climb their mountain. In turn we are all learning the life lessons we are meant to learn and becoming the best versions of ourselves along the way.

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