I listen to podcasts, I have books on audio, and I follow teachers on social media.
And I read…a lot. 

I can’t remember the last time I bought a fiction book, there are some I would like to read but I feel like I have so much to learn I can’t get to them.

I have 3 different books on the go right now, one of which I’m both reading and listening to because I bought the audio version.  I read part then I listen to it on audio, then I read part then I listen on audio.

We filter so much information through our brains.
People are throwing facts, hacks, and tips at us left, right and center on social media.

Some of the things that match our worldview stick, and everything else falls to the wayside deleted from our existence.

We can constantly grow if we choose to.  We can grow up, and we can grow deeper

Eventually we come to a place where we can learn more and fine tune more about what we already know…and it just gives us more of the same results we have been getting.
Learning is important, but the experience is what changes us.

We need to get out and do things we have never done.

Stretch ourselves in ways we have never stretched.

The most positive change I have personally encountered is from showing up and experiencing new things in life.

Recently for me it was starting this blog, then it was speaking in public, then it was taking a marketing seminar, now it’s building a course.

When we get in the arena of life we have to deal with our shame tapes, “who do you think you are to be doing this?”   

We have to battle through the ‘why’ of what we are doing.  “Is this selfish or will it help others?”

We have to learn skills that we didn’t have any interest in learning, or use old skills in a new ways we didn’t know were important.  Tech skills, people skills, empathy skills, courage skills…there are  so many inside moving parts you don’t see from the outside.

And when we get through that, we have to test to see if our work resonates… and if it doesn’t, we start over.

All of this changes you.

It bring you to a new arena of life.

It helps you see things differently, meet new people, create new connections, and hopefully do something that matters.

It’s not easy.

In fact, starting is hard.

Sticking with it is really hard.

Seeing it through takes grit, tenacity, and resilience.  

But what else would you be doing?

We are all here, we might as well be spending our time doing something that matters, something that will change our lives and the people around us.

What new experiences can you create?

PS.  If you want to be kept apprised of the course I’m building for whole heartedness, sign up to my private email list below and I will drop you a line when I have more details.

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