Before I stared my fear of rejection straight in the face, I was dancing around it.

I was making choices for the wrong reasons, people pleasing, and staying in toxic situations because I was always working overtime avoiding rejection.

But when I started to see rejection differently, I was able to make better choices.

What I learned was that people weren’t actually rejecting ME.

They might be rejecting the situation, or the offer, and in some cases they were just not able to be open minded or brave enough to say yes.

Other times they just weren’t in the right place or at the right time.

But it was never a straight up rejection. And their choice wasn’t a reflection of my worthiness like I used to believe.

I am worthy because I am human. That’s it. That’s all it takes for all of us. We are all worthy.

Some times we aren’t in full alignment with each other, but that doesn’t make us any less worthy.

Just for today move forward boldly without fear of rejection. You are worthy. Nobody else gets to decide that for you, so stop waiting for approval, or worrying about being rejected.

The universe has a hard time delivering to those who don’t ask. No for now doesn’t mean no forever. Things are always changing. Leave your fear of rejection behind you and build the life you want.

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