Just for today be intentional with how you spend your time.

The greatest gift is free time, but sometimes when we end up with too much of it we aren’t intentional about how we spend it.

When there is empty space in our lives, it always gets filled in one way or another.

Pay attention to what inspires you and do more of that. If you don’t know where to start, remember that play and creativity make our souls shine.

You could work on building a new skill or improving one, read to improve your game, network with others, help others with what they want to accomplish, write a book (if nothing else, write it so your family can learn what you know), practice better social skills, or create something.

There is so many productive things you can do with your time. Just for today make a mental list of what you could do and the next time you find yourself with open space, fill it with intention.

Our time is precious and should never be wasted.

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