Musings from observations

Our world has changed.

And I’m not taking about the changes in the last 6 months – although there have been plenty of those.

I’m talking about changes over the last 30 years as we have evolved as a species.

Generally speaking our energetic vibration has gone up. More and more people don’t accept low energy behaviours.

And we see it in our relationships and interactions with each other.

Gone are the days of the used car salesmen. We see right through them and their greasy sales tactics. Today we want the truth. We want salesmen to be honest with us so we can make an informed decision.

This isn’t the only example. I see it everywhere now.

Ego and greed, anger, blame and force, manipulation, shame and guilt aren’t long term solutions for building relationships. They are low vibrations and as humanity evolves, they are losing their power.

Generosity, humility, trust, transparency, honesty, and love are the only way to move forward.

Surprisingly the place I see it the most predominant is in business.

Online businesses have to build on high values and integrity. The competition is too steep and the consumers are too savvy.

Business is all about relationships. It’s about people. It’s about service. The better you master those traits the better off you are.

But business certainly isn’t the only place it matters. It matters with your children, your friends, your spouse, and perfect strangers.

When you feel yourself starting to move into lower vibrations, as we all do from time to time, it’s far better to stop and analyze yourself and your reactions.

High vibration emotions are the best choice all of the time.

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