I should eat healthier.

I should exercise.

I should be doing the laundry.

I should be folding the laundry.

I should get the oil changed in my truck.

And the list goes on forever. We can should ourselves to death, and lots of the time we do.

But when your life feels like it’s missing something, that’s different.

I should walk the dog is a whole different ball game than I should be happy where I am.

If you don’t feel happy, there is a reason.

If you don’t feel fulfilled, you are missing something.

If your heart is elsewhere, you need to follow it.

I knew for the longest time that there was more to life than what I was living, I just couldn’t figure out the problem or what was missing.

Now that I feel like I’m on the right path I can’t wait to go further and do more.

If you feel a pull towards a different life, it means something.

Don’t stop searching until you land on the path and things start to feel right.

Until then, know that it’s ok to feel the way you do.

You only need to feel the way you do, there are no “shoulds” when it comes to feelings.

Your guidance system is trying to tell you something.

Listen to it. Honour it.

It will take you where you need to go.

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