Sometimes it’s hard to just be you

Since I’ve started writing this blog I’ve definitely changed.

And since social media has become a predominant form of communication in our culture, it’s made it even more apparent.

I write very similar posts on Facebook and Instagram as I write in my blog. It’s the way I’ve learned to communicate through writing. And generally my friends and followers respond well.

As I have joined more communities online, I have noticed that I don’t “fit in” and my writing style doesn’t resonate.

It’s been interesting to observe my self talk and thoughts around this.

I have thought I should quit contributing.

I have thought that I am an outsider.

I have thought that I am not smart or not getting it.

I have thought that I am not worthy.

And I’m sure I’ve had other thoughts that aren’t empowering.

Beene Brown says true belonging is when we belong to ourselves. And you belong to yourself by staying true to who you are.

You can join a new group or a new community and try to fit in. It’s possible that is what everyone else is doing and why they aren’t responding.

No matter what, you need to follow your rules, show up in your way, contribute what matters, and belong to yourself.

And it’s ok to notice all of the self talk that happens in you when people don’t respond in the way you expect.

But you don’t have to believe everything you think. Your ego will always try to separate you from the crowd, sometimes it’s good, and sometimes it’s not helpful.

But the worst feeling is when you realize you’ve abandoned yourself. Don’t do that. You belong to you… always and forever.

The fun thing is, the more you keep showing up as yourself, especially when it’s hard, the more you will give others permission to do the same.

And at the end of the day, when it all works out, your ego will be proud that you were you.

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