It seems crazy but for some reason we would rather hang out with the devil we know than face the unknown, no matter how much possibility awaits us.
It doesn’t seem to matter how bad our situation is, we stay in it thinking that leaving it will make things worse.
For some reason we don’t easily accept that leaving could make things better.
The part you can’t possibly measure is the opportunity cost.
The amount that the stress of your current situation is limiting your ability to solve problems, to move forward, and to become who you are meant to be.
When you work your life around being comfortable… pretty soon you find yourself accepting less than what you want.
The freedom to live life on your terms isn’t selfish – it’s necessary in order to become the best version of yourself.
Staying with the devil you know probably isn’t for your greatest good.
There is a whole lot of possibility you’re missing by trying to protect yourself.
There doesn’t have to be any devil at all….
Would you rather spend your life avoiding what might happen? Or spend your life investing in what could happen?
It’s not easy to be fearless…. but there is a pretty big payoff in living that way.