I have a lot of friends going through some really tough stuff right now. Like really hard, and it’s not slowing down for them. I wonder if this is the way for all of us right now, or if it’s just a midlife thing. We aren’t accepting mediocrity anymore, but as we level up towards a better life the path to get there is foreign and we stumble.

I’ve been inspired by so many brave women who are showing up in the world and leading the way. Oprah, Brenè Brown, Cheryl Strayed, Reese Witherspoon, and Elizabeth Gilbert.

As I think about my friends I know there aren’t a magic set of words that make everything ok, it’s a learning, an unravelling of layers of “safety”, sifting through priorities, and reassembling of life. It’s hard and it takes time.

Elizabeth Gilbert’s words keep ringing through my head… “The women I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because shit worked out. They got that way because shit went wrong and they handled it. They handled it a thousand different ways on a thousand different days, but they handled it. Those women are my superheroes.”

My superhero’s are these women too, but they aren’t only women. My super hero’s are all of the people who are handling their shit even though it keeps coming fast and furious. You are warriors and I love you fiercely.

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