Nobody cares about your story as much as you do, and it feels weird and stifling when people care about you more than you do so you probably resist it.

Which means that at some point in your life you will be the victim.

Someone will borrow money and not pay you back, or take advantage of your contribution, or betray you, reject you, leave you, or hurt you.

You might feel used and maybe abused.

You will be a victim at some point in your life – or maybe several time’s.

And no matter how much healing you do, or how much empathy you have, or how much forgiveness you have given – there will still be moments where you feel triggered by it again.

And those triggers may be here to teach you something new, or help you see something you didn’t see before.

Let them come, learn what you need to learn, and then let them go again. Staying in victim mentality isn’t helpful and it’s disempowering. You can’t make good decisions from there.

It’s always ok to fall in the ditch, you just want to be sure to get back out as quick as you can.

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