I’ve been listening to a lot of Tony Robbins this week as he’s been hosting a comeback challenge on social media.
He talks so much about the state you are in being the most important thing. More important than your story, more important than your strategy.
Showing up and writing this blog every day keeps me very aware of the state I’m in.
When you show up with the intention to share it makes you sensitive about what you’re sharing and what space you’re coming from.
There are days when my state is far less than ideal, but writing this blog forces me to notice it, and on the really days I have to do something about it.
Once you get yourself into a more positive state, you tell a better story and you figure out the how a lot easier.
In short, your life stays on an upward trajectory.
Don’t let yourself off the hook on the bad days. It makes a difference to always stay aware and always be improving it.
My life has improved exponentially since I stopped letting myself off the hook.
I’ve learned several hacks to keep myself from spiralling continuously lower.
The quickest and most powerful hack lately is opening my heart and believing in possibility.
I stopped believing that what was happening in front of me was the way things had to be and that has made the biggest change in me of all.
Anything is possible and everything is always changing. You just can not stop believing in it.