Soft skills are intangible and groundless.

They are subtle and very hard to measure.

And they are arguably the most important part because they are what set you apart.

Soft skills are the fine tuning.

They are the fine grit sandpaper on your personality.

You can be friendly and likeable and you can make a good first impression, but you can’t make an impact without soft skills.

But because they can’t be measured, we don’t understand their value.

And you don’t see the value of the soft skills you have.

When you lean into them and build your emotional intelligence you start to see the difference it makes.

Your rough edges soften out, you build trust in yourself and others, you attract people towards you, you inspire others to become better and you touch lives.

Oprah talks about Maya Angelou telling her that her legacy will be every life she’s touched.

If you haven’t thought about your legacy yet, maybe it’s time.

How do you want your kids to talk about you?

How do you want to be remembered?

What impact can you make on the world around you?

Soft skills are the hardest, bestest part to getting there.

As this year comes to a close and you start thinking about next year and what you want to do, consider your legacy.

Lean into the soft skills you have, understand their value, understand your value for already having them, and learn more.

Soft skills are game changers.

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